
The U.S. State Department's new move to combat ISIS in the information wars.
“We've seen a sharp decline in the volume of ISIL messaging and social media,” said Richard Stengel, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs during a September 25, 2015,interview with the Voice of America’s Pamela Dockins. “I think the scales are shifting.”
African Media Initiative (AMI) and General Electric (GE) have partnered to boost media coverage in Africa of Energy and Infrastructure issues. Some 20 journalists drawn from the East Africa region will undergo basic training on the Energy sector in Africa, and on using sector data to tell impactful stories that will enrich media content and better inform citizens.
"Going forward, the United States will reestablish an embassy in Havana," President Obama said. Two weeks after the U.S. removed Cuba from the state-sponsored terrorism list, a flagpole was put up in front of the Cuban Interests Section — which will probably be upgraded to the Cuban Embassy — in Washington, D.C. The State Department defines an embassy as "the nerve center for a country's diplomatic affairs within the borders of another nation."
Havana, Jun 7 (Prensa Latina) The International Conference New Scenarios of Political Communication in the Digital Sphere-2015 ends today after rich debates on cybersecurity, governance of Internet and the digital gap. Experts and official delegates of 34 countries of all continents attended this event sponsored by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Relations and will listen today to a report from the Presidency of the event that resumes discussions at the meeting and give way to the closing ceremony.
U.N.: A military defeat of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq could scatter extremists around the globe. Would the world be a safer place if the United States and its allies were to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria? Not necessarily, according to a senior U.N. counterterrorism official. Extremist fighters have proven remarkably adept over the past three decades at transforming themselves at the close of battles.
Schools need both a national strategy and individualised approaches to prevent the radicalisation of students drawn to Islamic State and other extremist groups, an Edith Cowan University counterterrorism researcher says.