In an interview to IANS, Zhao Qizheng, Vice-Chairman of Foreign Affairs of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said Chinese businessmen were “not clear” about rules and business environment in India. [...] Zhao maintained that “public diplomacy” could help both sides understand the issues related to doing business in each other’s countries.

An evaluation of the Sino-African relationship as framed by pan-African news magazines.
China, South Korea and Japan held a three-way forum on public diplomacy here in Beijing today. [...] The forum aimed to promote cooperation among the three nations. It had three sub-forums separately focusing on political, economic and cultural cooperation.
The use of public diplomacy and social media can both be powerful tools in sharing ideas and messages that counter extremism and properly convey the cultures and ideas of countries, a senior US government official said at Zayed University on Wednesday.
Indonesian diplomats are being encouraged to keep up with the rapid development of technology and communication tools by exploring the use of new media in the Foreign Ministry's leadership programs. [...] progress of technology demanded an adaptive attitude to innovations in politics, diplomacy and global communication...

Applications are due May 15.
Rusty Pickens, the former acting director of new media technologies at the White House, recently moved to the State Department’s International Information Programs (IIP) Bureau, where he serves as senior adviser for digital platforms. to talk about digitizing citizen engagement with the White House and how he plans to apply the lessons-learned to communicating American ideals abroad.

What makes or breaks relationships between stakeholders in public-private partnerships.