Principal Investigator: Lindsay J. Bernstead, CPD Research Fellow 2017-19 Contributing Researcher: Wa'el Nimat More than 50 surveys are now available from across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) which allow...
KEEP READINGChanging Minds, Making Peace
The Baker Institute for Public Policy has recently published a report titled, Changing Minds, Making Peace: U. S. Public Diplomacy Strategy in Support of an Israeli-Palestinian Two-State Solution, which emphasizes the important role of public opinion both in reaching and securing a peaceful agreement between Israel and Palestine and in preventing such an agreement. The role of U.S. public diplomacy is also highlighted as an important ingredient in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict which would ultimately "help reduce tensions and serve the national security interests of the United States, Israel, and Palestine, as well as many of the other countries in the region." The report first briefly describes the PD environment in both Israeli and Palestinian societies and then presents a potential strategy for expanded public diplomacy in the Israeli-Palestinian context with the following goals:
- Listen to the opinions, interests, and perspectives of a wide segment of Israeli and Palestinian societies, including groups that have traditionally been excluded or alienated by past peace initiatives, and take action to involve them in conflict transformation mechanisms;
- Inform and educate the Israeli, Palestinian, and regional public on the values and principles the U.S. and its allies believe will support a final settlement; peace; and
- Highlight credible mechanisms through which an agreement might be reached and sustained.
To read the full report, click here.
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