CPD Director at Global Ties U.S. 2015 National Meeting

On February 4, CPD Director Jay Wang spoke at the Global Ties U.S. 2015 National Meeting which runs from February 4-7, 2015. Joining John D. Freeley, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs and Mara Tekach, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Professional and Cultural Exchanges, Wang participated in the panel, “Pivoting Home: A Reflection on 75 years of Engagement Through Exchange” which was moderated by Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering, Former Under Secretary for Political Affairs.  

The theme for this year’s Global Ties forum, “New Diplomacy: Building on 75 Years,” highlights years of accomplishments and achievements in people-to-people exchanges, international education exchanges and other exchange programs that brings current and future leaders from around the world to create a more peaceful and prosperous world. 

With members from large, national organizations to smaller, community-based ones across 45 states and 13 countries, NCIV officially changed its name to Global Ties U.S. in January 2014. For more information about the 2015 National Meeting program, click here.


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