On April 1, Russia sent humanitarian aid to the United States. The massive cargo aircraft, an Antonov An-124 Ruslan, took off from the Chkalovsky military airport near Moscow bound for the U.S., landing in New York City’s...
KEEP READINGThe U.S. Pavilion: “Brand Ambassadors” (Part II)
Meet Luke and Nina
Two student ambassadors explain their background and motivations for coming to the Shanghai Expo
>> For viewers in China, follow this link to watch the video
Highlights and Lowlights
Luke and Nina share their experiences as student ambassadors at U.S. pavilion, Shanghai Expo
>> For viewers in China, follow this link to watch the video
Learning China, and Explaining America
What Luke and Nina have learned about China, and how they portray America to Chinese visitors
>> For viewers in China, follow this link to watch the video
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