What's "In the Works" for Constance Duncombe?

Constance Duncombe is the new book reviews editor and social media manager for The Hague Journal of Diplomacy. She is a lecturer in international relations at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, where she teaches and conducts research about international relations theory, digital diplomacy and "big ideas" in policymaking.

Duncombe’s research interests lie within critical and interdisciplinary engagements with contemporary world politics. Her work has been published in the European Journal of International RelationsInternational Affairs and Global Change, Peace and Security.

Here's what Constance Duncombe has "In the Works":

  • A book forthcoming with Manchester University Press that conceptualizes how representation, recognition and emotion influence foreign policy, using Iran-U.S. relations as its primary case study.
  • A research project that explores how violent social media images provoke affective responses that constrain or enable policy decisions in response to domestic crises. The project is supported by the 2017 UQ Early Career Researcher Grant Scheme and the Monash University Faculty of Arts International Conference Travel Scheme, and parts of the research will be presented at the 2018 European International Studies Association (EISA) conference in Prague in September and at the 25th World Congress of Political Science in Brisbane in July.
  • A research project that aims to discover the kinds of emotional registers generated through visual social media narratives of identity, using Iran-U.S. and Mexico-U.S. as core case studies. Furthermore, this project will examine the emotional dynamics of Twitter and how this informs digital diplomacy practices and the struggle for recognition. The initial stages of this research will also be presented at EISA 2018.

    Both research projects focus on different aspects of the intersection of recognition, social media and visual politics, and how these overlapping elements inform state power and policymaking.

Recent publications include:


  • "After Liberal World Order," (co-author Tim Dunne), International Affairs, Vol. 94, Issue 1, Pgs. 25-42. (2017).
  • "Twitter and Transformative Diplomacy: Social Media and Iran-US Relations." International Affairs, Vol. 93, Issue 3, Pgs. 545-62. (2017).
  • "Representation, Recognition and Foreign Policy in the Iran-US Relationship." European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 22, Issue 3, Pgs. 642-55. (2016).



About this series:

"In the Works" is CPD's periodic roundup of news from the international PD scholarly community. If you've taken up a new academic position, published a new work or recently embarked on a research project on a public diplomacy topic, let us know! All updates can be sent to cpd@usc.edu. Please be sure to use "In the Works" in the subject heading.