
Cities across the globe were marking the 53rd African Liberation Day with lectures, music, food, and street marches. In Washington, D.C., people gathered on May 20, 2011 for an early celebration with panel discussions and the screening of the documentary "Apocolypse Africa.

It is often been said that no diplomacy is complete without a good measure of food diplomacy. At the ongoing India-Africa summit here, India threw a lunch comprising mouth-watering vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies to 15 heads of state and other delegates whose food habits are as exotic as it could get.

India may have certain soft-power advantages, including its Bollywood film industry as well as widespread English fluency and a history of living under British colonial rule that it shares with many African countries. There is also a significant Indian diaspora in Africa.

Africa's attractiveness as a place to invest is growing, according to a survey about business across the continent. But it's not all good news for African business. The survey shows that Africa is seen as an attractive investment primarily by Africans and then by emerging markets -- but less so by developed countries.

Senior leaders representing 17 African national militaries came together with their American counterparts here this week to better understand U.S. Africa Command and to help in developing the noncommissioned officers corps in their nations.

May 19, 2011

Many around the world see Africa as a monolith and through the prism of media and film which paint a decidedly negative picture. Google images of Rwanda show stark photos of starving orphaned children, mass slaughter and extreme deprivation.

"We will reach out to most of Africa that has not been significantly touched by our economic diplomacy in recent decades," the official said. India will announce a joint study group to explore modalities for an FTA with Comesa, which is home to half-a-billion Africans and has an annual trade basket of over $300 billion.

Castoff American t-shirts, which have flooded African markets for years, are starting to trickle back to the United States as part of a non-profit initiative spearheaded by two young American social entrepreneurs. This supports local markets in places like Kenya while supporting non-profits.
