
The “Africa in Motion” symposium, which took place last Thursday and Friday in the basement of the Northwest Labs, was at once a celebration of Harvard’s recent top-notch scholarship and a sobering reminder of the work that needs to be done to solve the continent’s problems.

n the BBC series of viewpoints from African journalists, Sola Odunfa considers what Nigeria's movie industry reveals about the country's spirituality.

The US government's international development agency (USAID) has announced 11 new partnerships with 22 universities across Africa to help alleviate poverty and stimulate economies.

In an interview with, a top official of the government of South Sudan insisted that an independent South would protect citizens of all faiths, as it has done since gaining autonomy in 2005.

With ample liquidity and sufficient expertise in the construction sector, Chinese companies – especially state-owned enterprises – are keen not only to satisfy African countries' need for development, but also to exercise China's 'soft power' on the world stage.

Over the years, France, a member of the European Union (EU), has used cultural diplomacy to win over countries and spread her influence around the world. In French-speaking Africa, the European economic powerhouse has sustained her ties, through cultural programmes, whether in cinema theatre, music or fashion.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority (BEDIA), Jacob Nkate, has dismissed claims that the new Brand Botswana logo might have been plagiarised from South Africa's Mpumalanga Province. Both logos feature the rays of the sun

Setting the tone for the second summit with African countries next year, India on Tuesday offered to share developmental experiences and poverty reduction strategies with the African continent.
