The management of Solid Rock Association (SRA), an Accra-based NGO dedicated to the development of art and culture is to organise an International Cultural Exchange and Exhibition in Accra from November 12 to 14 this year.
Captain Gabrielle Caldara, of USARAF's command surgeon's office and Major Mike Walter of USAMRU-K joined for a weeklong partnership in Monrovia, Liberia. Their goal was to assess the AFL's laboratory needs to look for ways that U.S. Army medical personnel can help their Liberian counterparts, Caldara said.
One of the most impressive online U.S. public diplomacy venues is Magharebia, a website and news service for North Africans that is published by the United States African Command (AFRICOM).
One of the most impressive online U.S. public diplomacy venues is Magharebia, a website and news service for North Africans that is published by the United States African Command (AFRICOM).
If we want to see democracy in developing nations, we need to help them to reposition themselves – by promoting trade, boosting tourism, and winning allies diplomatically. That can only be done by skilled communications, promoting the best aspects of these nations to the stakeholders that matter.
Many of Africa’s leaders have spent part of their summer shuttling between capitals, congratulating one another on 50 years of independence. One capital they will not be visiting together is Washington.
Thirty-three journalists from the Maghreb region of Africa, including Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia, entered into sometimes impassioned debate during the third annual Writers Workshop, July 29 - August 1 at the U.S. Embassy in Tunis.
As Kenya takes a step in a positive direction, its trajectory from violence and complete institutional breakdown to slow but constructive change should be an opportunity for the international community and United States to evaluate the potential and limitations of preventive diplomacy as a concrete foreign policy tool.