asia pacific

How did U.S. foreign policy efforts in the Asia-Pacific pan out under the Obama administration?
The outcome of the U.S. election has created considerable uncertainty at the country’s future policy directions towards the Asia Pacific. While it is difficult to predict how U.S. economic diplomacy in the region will change [...]. As a general rule, the United States has had more care for the development of the international system of global trade and investment than many other countries.
CineAsia is upon us already, the last major cinema conference of the year and a time to take stock. This show has taken on new significance in recent years as it highlights the growth of Asia as a film market and the increasing importance of the region to global cinema. The Asia-Pacific region will account for 40.4% of global box office in 2016.
The 2016 Asia-Pacific Culture Day concluded Nov. 6 at Taipei Main Station, with 20 foreign missions from the region and representatives from seven local governments participating in Taiwan’s efforts to promote cultural exchanges, interactions and understanding between Taiwan and its diplomatic allies and partners throughout the region.
The fifth World Youth Alliance Asia Pacific Emerging Leaders Conference [...] with the stated aim of contributing to solution to the world's environmental problems. The Emerging Leaders Conference is an annual event of the youth-led World Youth Alliance Asia-Pacific and seeks to enable young people from diverse backgrounds to connect and share ideas in response to today's important issues.

This news roundup explores soft power seduction strategies in China, Korea and New Zealand.

Headlines pivoted east in this news roundup with stories on China, Korea and Singapore.
Far more than just red carpets and glamour, APSA was initiated by Founding Chairman Des Power AM in 2007 with the endorsement of UNESCO and the International Federation of Film Producers (FIAPF). Its mission is quite simple: to recognize and promote the cinematic excellence and cultural diversity of the Asia Pacific.