
Australia's neighbourhood is made up predominantly of countries whose political and cultural backgrounds differ from its own. Thus, cultural issues impinge disproportionately on its foreign relationships, perhaps none more so than with Indonesia.

Michael Lo Sordo dreams of Paris, but like many fashion designers he is yet to conquer the world's style capital. His dream edged a little closer to reality when he took part in Australian Designers Abroad, a new initiative aimed at promoting Australian fashion design talent during Paris Fashion Week.

Many attribute Venice’s Aussie invasion to the country’s new cultural policy. The scheme, which launched last August, seeks to promote Australian arts abroad and grow cultural tourism in part by inviting tastemakers like Enwezor to the country.

Nicholas Cull, Professor of Public Diplomacy and Director of the USC Master of Public Diplomacy program, explores the interplay of cultural heritage and global engagement at the biannual Venice Biennale of Architecture.

Australia's highest court on Wednesday cleared the way for a radio station to face penalties over a 2012 prank call to a London hospital that was caring for the Duchess of Cambridge. A nurse who transferred the call committed suicide after the broadcast.

The Abbott government's deep foreign aid cuts are undermining the national interest and harming Australia's relations abroad, aid organisations say in a major pitch to reverse the cuts in the coming budget.

Street protests to collect 'Coins for Australia' or 'Coins for Abbott' have spread from Aceh to the capital and beyond, with even the vice president offering to repay the $1 billion in aid contributed by Australia for recovery efforts after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.
