
China will host the Fourth International Forum on Buddhism in Wuxi, Jiangsu province in late October to promote international exchange on Buddhist learning and practice, the country's Buddhist association has announced.

Prime Minister Modi's visit to Seychelles, Mauritius and Sri Lanka might have been prompted to counter China’s growing influence in the region but it turned out to be a major demonstration of India's hard and soft power in the Indian Ocean neighbourhood.

George Osborne should ignore Washington's reprimands for Britain backing a Chinese state investment bank

The Minister for Culture, Community and Youth said it is important to celebrate Singapore’s heritage and culture, adding that the idea of a “distinctive Singaporean culture” is still relatively new and evolving.

In terms of perceptions, many international publics believe the global economic balance of power has swung sharply towards the country. It has exposed the country to greater foreign scrutiny for which it has generally been ill-prepared. This has exposed a growing "soft-power deficit" which is complicating China's rise to power.

China's female acrobatic pilots Yu Xu, Tao Jiali, Sheng Yifei, He Xiaoli have left for Malaysia on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, where they will be performing at the Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) next week.

A Pew Poll conducted last year found that that only 28% of Americans believe that their “country stands above all others.” This is down 10 percentage points from just three years earlier.
