
Cultural diplomacy initiatives around the world ease tensions and strengthen bonds between nations with tumultuous diplomatic relations. 

The intersection of public diplomacy, people-to-people communication and international trust building is explored in this new article by Kirsten Mogensen, an associate professor at Roskilde University in Denmark and an alumna of the CPD Summer Institute. 

Think open dialogue and reconciliation and China isn’t usually the first country that comes to mind. But in 2013 China shifted its principle of “non-interference in other countries” to one of active conflict resolution in some of the world’s most intractable contexts: Israel-Palestine, Myanmar, and Afghanistan. (...) But while it may be a welcome foray, its success will be muted at best unless China can overcome one major blind spot: religion.

Professor Martha Bayles of Boston College’s College of Arts and Sciences honors department brought together leaders within the film industry for a panel discussion on Feb. 23 about how America is internationally perceived. (...) She explores America’s image abroad and the potentially surprising lack of desirability in America’s freedom and democracy, as well as the distorted portrayals of these qualities among America’s cultural exports.

Enjoying steady bilateral relations since diplomatic ties were established after the Vietnam War in 1976, the Philippines and Vietnam are now engaging in high-level dialogues to try to establish a strategic partnership.

One Chinese conductor, Long Yu, would like these cultures to hear each other a little more clearly. He's launching a new project to do just that, and it's starting tonight with the New York Philharmonic.

February 25, 2015

In November last year, artists from India and China got together at Diggi Palace in Jaipur for a week-long art residency project called ‘Maitri’. It was a cultural dialogue to promote peace using art as a tool.

February 25, 2015

Papers voice concern over Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung's plan to limit the number of mainland tourists. Mr Leung said on Tuesday that he would discuss proposals to tighten the Individual Visit Scheme for mainland tourists with Beijing authorities, the Xinhua News Agency reports.
