
As the Spring Festival holiday approaches, CCTV 4, China's international channel, plans to provide a special TV feast aimed at both domestic and overseas Chinese-speaking audiences.

2015 is the first ever Year of Cultural Exchange between China and the UK, marking a high-point in relations. Throughout the year, the very best of UK culture will be showcased in China, and Chinese culture in the UK.

February 11, 2015

As a way of celebrating decades of relationship between China and the UAE while also marking the Chinese new year falling on February 19, a cultural event was held on Tuesday by the Chinese Consulate General in Dubai and Dubai Culture and Arts Authority.

The Berlin Film Festival, held over the weekend, staged the European Film Market event, at which a number of major Sino-French co-productions attracted the avid interest of attendees.

They say that China's soft power is practiced through cultural, educational and other exchanges, to help the country gain international understanding so that it can grow, strengthen and internationalize in a harmonious way.

Japan will open the way to channel aid to foreign militaries under a new charter for overseas development assistance, as the nation seeks to bolster regional security ties amid a territorial dispute with China. The Development Cooperation Charter will allow Japan to provide overseas aid for non-combat purposes, according to a copy of the document obtained by Bloomberg News. 

Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said here Friday that she expects to further develop the strong relationship between Denmark and China not only economically, but also enhance people-to-people links.

Echoing President Xi Jinping's call for a new type of Chinese think tank, the general offices of the party Central Committee and the State Council recently announced a plan to develop 50 to 100 "high-end" ones by 2020, which, they said, would compete with America in spreading soft power abroad and help refine policies at home.
