
In the US there is growing disquiet over China’s attempts to exert ‘soft power’ by claiming a footprint on university campuses.  In the space of a week, two US universities, Pennsylvania State and University of Chicago, have decided to shut down their Confucius Institutes amid concerns over threats to academic freedom.

Zhang, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), hailed the development of bilateral relationship, highlighting frequent high-level interactions, increasing political trust and expanding practical cooperation.

Project Mausam is Prime Minister Modi’s answer to China’s charm offensive.

As long as nation-states have distinctly different levels of energy-dependent economic development, and their self-interests are so varied, there is really no basis for the mutuality of interest required for a meaningful treaty. 

As one of the most important investors in the previously unified Sudan and now in the independent South Sudan, China has displayed what is by its standards unprecedented diplomatic activism to support the peace talks in Addis Ababa, mainly through its contribution to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan and active mediation efforts.

From China’s point of view, such a bank makes perfect sense.For the developing countries in Asia, it will be a new source of funding. For China, it will be a channel to strengthen soft power and enhance economic benefits. 

The first and only Chinese-Turkish television channel CTV has begun broadcasting films, documentaries and Chinese cultural and traditional programs to promote Chinese economy, tradition and popular culture.

Sarah Myers West, an alumna of the USC Masters of Public Diplomacy program, recently published an article in the Hague Journal of Diplomacy titled, "Redefining Digital Diplomacy: Modelling Business Diplomacy by Internet Companies in China"
