
Portugal's secretary of state for culture, Jorge Barreto Xavier, initiated an official visit to China on Friday to enhance cultural relations between both countries.

The exchange, related by a senior State Department official with direct knowledge of the Oct. 18 meeting, marked a turning point in the Obama administration’s efforts to get the world’s two biggest polluters to commit to lowering the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change.

We cheer the Brazilian soccer team and find our inner peace through yoga. But what is the flagship example of Chinese soft power? It might just be a day of shopping and singledom.

A pledge on Wednesday from President Xi Jinping of China to help fight climate change is expected to send a strong signal, since meeting global emissions-reduction goals will require sustained efforts from Beijing in curbing the country’s addiction to coal and greatly bolstering sources of renewable energy, analysts and policy advisers say.

Near the top of the list of issues Presidents Obama and Xi Jinping of China will discuss at this week's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Beijing is their cooperation on containing Ebola. 

President Obama is in China for less than three days this week, but he is seeing a great deal of President Xi Jinping.  Mr. Obama will spend far less quality time with the broader Chinese population. There are no town-hall-style meetings, televised interviews or major speeches on his schedule.

Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng urged Japanese commerce department on Saturday to work together with its Chinese counterpart to stabilize, consolidate and promote bilateral trade cooperation following the two countries' agreement to improve relations.

China will contribute $40 billion to set up a Silk Road infrastructure fund to boost connectivity across Asia, President Xi Jinping announced on Saturday, the latest Chinese project to spread the largesse of its own economic growth.
