
November 29, 2014

Weeks before the summit, environment unfriendly industries within Beijing and the adjacent regions were suspended as required to reproduce the long lost blue sky and as short as the APEC meeting, the blueness was gone with the closure of the summit.


Finding solutions to global development challenges is among trending topics this week in PD

The frosty handshake between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the margins of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Beijing is providing an opportunity for the two countries to end the downward spiral of the last two years, but this is by no means assured. Both sides had their respective domestic audiences in mind at the historic meeting. 

China is using "soft power" in order to overcome decades of confrontation with Taiwan, encouraging the island to reunite with the mainland.

A video literally singing the praises of Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife has gone viral online.

Last week state-owned China Railway Construction Corp. (CRCC) signed a lucrative contract with Nigeria to build an 870-mile coastal railroad from Lagos to Calabar, two of the West African nation’s leading cities. 
