
Telling them Australia is jolly friendly to Asia, close to it, wants to be a part of it, has a nice safe lifestyle -- that's not enough. We should be hard-nosed about the career advantages to be gained from our courses: they all get that. But as for the soft power stuff, we should try harder to stay with the big players in that league.

The University Student Arts and Cultural Exchange Performance will include vocal, instrumental and dance performances from a number of different minority cultural traditions in China...A tap dance will highlight the American dance tradition.

“New media enriches the style of diplomatic language, enhances innovation in discourse and displays a close-to-the-people diplomatic manner. It is a manifestation of people-oriented diplomacy”, the micro blog’s operations director, Gong Yufeng, said at the Media Salon conference organized by last month.

Australia and the US have previously expressed concern at China resorting to chequebook diplomacy but Carr appeared to soften Canberra's stance in an interview with the Australian Financial Review. He urged the region to learn to live with Beijing "developing all the accoutrements of a major power".

The strength of Taiwan's soft power lies in the country's ability to combine both these aspects, Lung said during a live interview on Voice of America (VOA), part of the itinerary of a two-week tour of the United States, her first visit to the U.S. since assuming the post in February.

Government has said that Chinese contractors are doing a lot in helping government to put quality infrastructure in all parts of the country. Education Minister John Phiri said that the Chinese have been sacrificing in helping the country to develop since independence.

Teachers in India will now get to learn Chinese under an agreement reached between the Indian education board and China's overseas language institute. The Confucius Institute Headquarters and India's Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) have agreed to promote Chinese language training in India, reported Xinhua.

Culture Minister Lung Ying-tai arrived in Washington, D.C. Saturday from New York where she will deliver two speeches to promote Taiwan's soft power. On Sunday, Lung will discuss cultural diplomacy and cross-Taiwan Strait cultural issues in two interviews organized by the Voice of America and the international news agency Reuters.
