
Sam Geall, the executive editor of China Dialogue, a bilingual website on the environment, said Beijing viewed having a climate change denying US president as a rare and unexpected opportunity to boost Chinese soft power by positioning itself as the world’s premier climate change fighter.

President Barack Obama and President Xi Jinping

How did U.S. foreign policy efforts in the Asia-Pacific pan out under the Obama administration?

China’s involvement and investment in Africa have intensified in the past few years eliciting a lot of focus and research on China-Africa relations.  While this can be written off by some as simply investment [...] China’s growing involvement in the media industry in Africa and South Africa has been seen by Trans-Atlantic nations to be a challenge to their influence in Africa.

When dealing with the Trump administration, China should pay attention to several factors. First, China should get to know Trump's political ambitions, and establish contacts with his core team. China should strengthen the role of non-governmental actors in public diplomacy, and improve Sino-US public diplomacy by using think tanks to effectively control conflicts. Last but not the least, China needs to enhance social media communication and promote international discourse.

For China, tourism is a tool. The country sees it as a facilitator of people-to-people communication and a way to spread international friendship. In other words: soft power. [...] However, in the discussions during the evening reception, most participants were first asking questions and offering stories about different forms of outrageous behavior seen among Chinese travelers. 

A Chinese art troupe from Nanjing is set for its debut performance in the country tomorrow at 7 Arts Theatre Avondale, Harare as part of the Happy Chinese New Year commemorations. The event that is also known as the Happy Spring Festival, is being organised by the Chinese Embassy through its cultural section and will feature last year’s local Dream Star talent show finalists.

As China-Switzerland relations gain new momentum, their people-to-people and cultural ties have yielded fruitful results, said Jiang Jianguo, a senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC), here during a visit in Switzerland earlier this week. 

Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam has wrapped up his four-day state visit to Cambodia with two agreements signed and other commitments to further enhance the relationship between the two countries and their people. Singapore has played a significant role in Asean community building, particularly in narrowing the development gaps within Asean. 
