
The Mandarin classes fall under the umbrella of the Chinese government's Confucius Institutes, through its Office of Chinese Language Council International, located in Beijing.There are currently more than 100 Confucius Institutes in colleges around the U.S., including one at The Community College of Denver, the college through which Battle Mountain is running its program, Qualman said.

In its quest for resources and business opportunities, China needs to have influence in many countries. Increasingly, Beijing uses a sophisticated charm offensive, presenting an image of a modern and dynamic China — a strategy often called "soft power."

Entering into a pact with Hebei Normal Uniersity of Science and Technology is part of Xavier's efforts to establish a Confucius Institute to promote the teaching of Chinese language and culture. There are about 300 such organizations, including 87 in the United States.

Germany and China are planning a big expansion of joint research and investment in green technologies, including production of electric cars in China and development of carbon-capture systems. A series of business and inter-governmental agreements were signed between the world’s two largest exporters in Berlin on Tuesday.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao today said China may give Europe “a helping hand” with its current debt crisis – but warned in uncharacteristic tones for a second successive day against European officials and media that “meddle” in China’s affairs. Mr. Wen ended a goodwill jaunt through Europe that is partly intended to put a better face on China, experts say.

Youku Inc., China’s top online video site, said Tuesday it had signed a deal with Warner Bros. to stream hundreds of the studio’s new and old movies. Warner Bros. has been among the forefront of Hollywood’s efforts to gain access to China’s booming movie-going market. China currently limits the number of foreign movies for theatrical release to 20 per year.

The European charm offensive of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has been conducted with characteristic Chinese thoughtfulness and efficiency...But the fact remains that China may well be influencing people, and it has a highly impressive record of economic management to flaunt, but it is not exactly winning friends.

...I think it's a very interesting question because the Chinese have opened these organizations called Confucius Institutes... And part of the agenda of the Confucius Institute is to push the learning of Chinese language. They have seen - and not unrelated to our previous questions - they have seen their development, especially their military growth, is scaring people.
