
For those Europeans concerned with China's growing prowess, here is another reason to be alert. The Chinese are about to cross the Danube. Not with tanks or communist propaganda, but with cash and a charm offensive.

The mere mention of India as a great power usually evokes chuckles from an Australian audience. Although loathe to admit it, New Delhi would do well to learn lessons from Beijing about the importance of selling its strengths and achievements to the world.

The US needs to tread carefully and to give some thought to how a united Taiwan and China would impact US interests. If we do, indeed, move in this direction, we can expect a renewed confidence in the Chinese military, no longer constrained by concerns of having to face US forces in the Taiwan Strait. In other words, we can expect structural changes in US military strategy in the Taiwan Strait area and in its relations with both China and Japan.

During the 2nd session of the Arabic Arts Festival which is held in Beijing from June 18 to 25, 2010, Tunisia took part in a roundtable on “the role of cultural exchange in the Arab-Chinese Cooperation”. During the roundtable, Mr. Abderraouf El Basti, the Minister of Culture and Heritage Preservation stressed Tunisia’s interest in culture since the Change, and its role in sustainable development.

June 24, 2010

Other than at the 38th parallel on the Korean peninsula, the closest proximity that Americans and North Koreans have recently found themselves is in South Africa at the World Cup...In South Africa, though, it has been civilian athletes from the two countries rotating through the same stadiums in what is an admirable expression of human rivalry: competitive sports.

Yes, I’ve read the mixed reviews about the USA Pavilion at the Shanghai 2010 Expo. The major complaint as I understand it is that the pavilion is too commercial – that it does not promote US values and society to the degree it should.

US academics yesterday highlighted the role of Taiwan in the White House's foreign policy, saying Taiwan's interests were “not negotiable” in the shaping of US policy on China. Scott Lilly, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a Washington-based policy research and advocacy organization, told a forum that “the bilateral relationship between the US and Taiwan is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world.”

Visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping was at the Australian National University (ANU) Tuesday, donating books to the university's new center on China education and research. He said the ANU has strong academic achievements on China study, which played a positive role in enhancing all-rounded understandings of China by all walks of life in Australia and promoting more cultural exchanges and cooperations between the two countries.
