
May 5, 2010

Cheng Xindong knows people in high places... Following the last year's contemporary Chinese art exhibition in Havana, he is now working on the return leg, the Cuba Contemporary Art Exhibition in Beijing, to be launched on September 25.

On 1 July 2010 Xinhua, the news agency of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), will launch a global 24-hour English-language television channel called China Network Corp (CNC). Trial broadcasts began on May 1.

Joseph Lee, a lecturer at the University of Nottingham Business School, is quite optimistic about the public perception of China. “I think to a certain extent that the British are happy about the economic rise of China. They don’t view that as a threat.”

It's the first time the EU has been represented at a world fair outside Europe: for 6 months (starting 1 May), the bloc will have its own pavilion in Shanghai - at the specific invitation of China, its second biggest trade partner.

Mr. Kim habitually travels by train and his visits are generally not confirmed until he has returned to North Korea. He is not believed to have been abroad since a 2006 visit to China. China is North Korea's main trading partner and the country perceived to have the most influence on the communist state.

North Korea, Sudan, Iran, Myanmar, Zimbabwe are not normally countries associated with booming economies or viewed favorably by many, especially in the West, on the world stage. But they all have close ties with China, and have made every effort to put on a good show...

Visitors flocked to the Israeli stand in the Expo 2010 Shanghai China exhibition that opened on Saturday.

The World's Fair that kicked off Friday night is designed to focus global attention on Shanghai—but in doing so, it will largely reflect the outsize role foreigners have played in shaping China's most cosmopolitan city.
