
The networks that primarily seek to establish, protect and expand US primacy in Asia are driven by corporate and financial special interests including banks, the energy industry, defence contractors, agricultural and pharmaceutical giants, the US entertainment industry and media as well as tech giants.

Despite Trump’s campaign rhetoric, the US is not in decline. Because of immigration, it is the only major developed country that will not suffer a demographic decline by mid-century; its dependence on energy imports is diminishing rather than rising; it is at the forefront of the major technologies (bio, nano, information) that will shape this century; and its universities dominate the world league tables.

Donald J. Trump’s stunning upset over Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States has shocked the world. His triumph holds the potential for overturning the world order. Criticisms of trade, immigration and international engagement were central to his candidacy. [...] On Wednesday, leaders reacted to a reshaped world.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's just-concluded eight-day Eurasia trip, encompassing Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, and Russia, from November 2 to 9 is highly significant in enhancing Chinese economic diplomacy on the international stage. Li's trip gives a strong signal to the rest of the world that China is ready to play a leading role in regional and international affairs. 

A top delegation, including eight vice-chancellors from elite Russell Group universities, signed an agreement for funding and research collaboration in Shanghai and met a group from China's leading universities. The U.K. group from the Russell Group universities met with representatives from the C9 League, China's elite educational institutions, a group that is sometimes compared to the American Ivy League.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has embarked on a quest to make China’s voice heard internationally. “President Xi Jinping has vowed to promote China’s cultural soft power by disseminating modern Chinese values and showing the charm of Chinese culture to the world,” China’s Xinhua News Agency wrote in 2014. “The stories of China should be well told, voices of China well spread, and characteristics of China well explained,” the president said. 

Chinese culture meets classic ballet in this famous performance filled with traditional music and elegant moves. The National Ballet of China brought its magical "Raise the Red Lantern" show to Jakarta to promote cultural exchange.
