
Despite souring public sentiment about their domestic economy and some concern about Japan’s declining role on the world stage, the Japanese are outward looking. They believe that involvement in the global economy is good for the country and that Japan should help other nations, particularly developing ones, deal with their problems.

Ken Liu is a prolific and award-winning author of stories that span the galaxies of futurism and fantasy. He also happens to interpret one cultural constellation for another: Liu is the leading translator of Chinese science fiction into English. “Science fiction can’t tell us a lot about the future,” he insists. “It’s more interesting for what it says about the society that produces it.”

Dubai’s Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) and the Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) signed an agreement to enable greater levels of collaboration in higher education and student exchange. [...] Degrees earned in Dubai will now be verified by the CSCSE and the Ministry of Education in China, assuring students thinking about studying in the city that their qualifications will be recognised in their homeland.

The tour, marked as the teaser of the " China-Russia Internet Media Forum" that will be heldin Tianhe district on Saturday, included visits to some of the leading internet and innovativecompanies in the district. More than twenty Russian press savvies and media entrepreneurswith their Chinese counterparts attended the tour.

A group of Polish musicians and artists has held an exhibition in Beijing as part of a cultural exchange. The tour is part of a national-level initiative between China and Poland, that stretches from 2016 to 2019. The group will visit 6 cities in China.

Wushu's global sporting popularity pales before karate, judo and taekwondo, but state media reported this month that a "Wushu Cultural Industry Investment Fund" worth $7 billion has been set up to run tournaments and promote it at home and abroad. [...] The Chinese government's development plan for the sport from 2016-2020 says that its aims include "increasing national confidence and boosting national cultural soft power".

Young Chinese, including those in Hong Kong, must learn from history if they truly want to make the world a better place, says the founder of Shanghai’s first “comfort women” museum that opened at the weekend. “It’s always important to learn from history,” said Professor Su Zhiliang of Shanghai Normal University, who spent more than two decades researching the issue of comfort women 

Greater cultural exchange between Mexico and China allows to build "closer, brotherly and lasting ties", said Diego Prieto, director general of Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History. The federal official highlighted that a series of academic, scientific, artistic and literary exchanges in recent years had allowed commercial and economic relations to blossom in parallel.
