
There’s never been a US presidential candidate better known to China’s 1.3 billion people than Hillary Clinton. Thanks to more than two decades of high-profile engagement with the country, as first lady, US senator, secretary of state and two-time presidential candidate, Clinton is also a controversial figure in China, with that familiarity generating occasional gusts of contempt.

Xinhua organised the roundtable bringing together a select group of editors and publishers of both countries “to enhance communication and cooperation” between the two media ahead of the President Xi’s “milestone” visit. “We hope that media will play a positive role in enhancing relations between the countries,” said Tuo Zhen, Vice-Minister of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee.

In late September, 2016, Premier Li Keqiang paid an official visit to Canada, the first trip by a Chinese premier in a long lapse of 13 years. It was also a reunion for Mr. Li and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shortly after the latter’s visit to China. During Mr. Li’s visit, the two sides reached broad consensus on strengthening bilateral co-operation in politics, economy and trade, and people-to-people exchanges.

Dubai’s leading entities are joining forces to stage an event in China highlighting the city as a global gateway offering the world’s largest exporter opportunities for economic development and cultural exchange. [...] will celebrate the thriving bilateral relationship and create connections for future mutual growth.

Headlines explored academic exchanges and collaborations around the world

China and Djibouti have had diplomatic relations since January 8, 1979, but China’s footprint in the small country has only become ubiquitous over the last few years. Since 2012-2013, Beijing has firmly taken roots in Djibouti through numerous multibillion infrastructure projects [...] Beijing gives utmost importance to its relations with Djibouti.

The relocation of the exhibition marks the next stage in the cooperation agreement established between the MSAR and the Macau Scientific and Cultural Center of Portugal’s Ministry of Education and Science, which aims to provide a platform for Chinese and Portuguese cultural exchange. The exhibition showcases a selection of over 100 records that illustrate the historical background of the Macau diaspora around the world.

Why Confucius Institutes have become China's most controversial soft power asset. 
