corporate social responsibility
MediSend International, a global leader in building technical capacity for healthcare systems, is assisting Nigeria in the development of a national biomedical technologies initiative through a program of professional training and ongoing technical support.
My reading list this summer is longer than in years past due to the the sheer volume of new work critical to those in the global engagement, corproate diplomacy and public diplomacy spheres.
In this respect, MTN Rwanda has supported and promoted the development of sports. This year alone the company sponsored the '2012 Peace Cup' soccer tournament was at the tune of Frw 51.4 million. It also supported local musicians through its involvement in the annual 'Salax Music Awards.
Corporate Social Responsibility in its truest form has to go far beyond writing a check... Caryl Stern, President and CEO of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF cited UPS' help during the earthquake in Haiti as essential to providing effective aid during the disaster.
APDS Blogger: Sarah Myers