corporate social responsibility

The British parliamentarians err by treating Facebook as just a company that needs regulating. 

Human rights defenders need the voice of powerful businesses, writes CPD Advisory Board Member Kimberly Marteau Emerson.

Zhimin Tang developed the 4I model to describe the corporate social responsibility of Chinese firms in Thailand.

Through a new smallholder farmer loan initiative with the Inter-American Developmental Bank (IDB) directed toward a women-led coffee cooperative, and an expanded partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) aimed at helping young coffee farmers in post-conflict zones build greater resiliency and expertise, Starbucks will help create opportunities in some of Colombia’s most vulnerable coffee growing communities.

The University of Cambridge, United Kingdom’s Judge Business School has acknowledged the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), West Africa, in its new model for CSR. The Centre for CSR, one of the sub-region’s leading sustainability and corporate social responsibility, events and advocacy organisations contributed to an extensive CSR research conducted by Professor Peter Williamson, a Professor of International Management at the University of Cambridge.

While designing an effective corporate diplomacy strategy, companies must develop in the most ethical way their own approach or stance to foreign governments, rather than manipulate or be manipulated by the policies of their home country. [...] Geopolitical volatility is no different from other forms of volatility. As long as a company's geopolitical assessment processes are comprehensive and its corporate foreign policy perceptive, business leaders will be able to navigate all challenging times. 
