Cultural Diplomacy

Players as pawns in political games is not always a bad thing. Major League Baseball is about to visit Cuba on a "Goodwill" tour that marks the Dec 17 meeting last year between Barack Obama and Raul Castro when the two presidents agreed to start to "normalise" the relationship between the countries.

In an effort to broaden international understanding of the contemporary Native art experience, the Institute of American Indian Arts recently collaborated with the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Art in Embassies to produce a limited edition print series showcasing the art of IAIA alumni.

The one-year anniversary of the US and Cuba restoring diplomatic ties is coming up on Dec. 17. Akin Gump, which launched its Cuba practice a few months ago, recently held a reception with the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, Dr. José Ramón Cabaña.

Moranbong Band is the latest (and maybe the only) soft-power export from North Korea. It is the favorite group of Kim Jong-un, the nation’s young authoritarian leader — and some reports say he handpicked each member. 

December 11, 2015

"Since moving to Los Angeles almost 20 years ago, you have become a key figure," Lemoine said, "not only of the local gastronomic landscape, but also nationally and internationally. You continue to embody French culture abroad through one of its most famous aspects, gastronomy."

The track is meant to "ignite people's hearts with the soft power of music", according to the non-profit Friendship Ambassadors Foundation, which produced the CD. It's being released to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the UN. Appropriately, the musical diplomats have also recorded a cover of Rockin' All Over the World.

In the aftermath of Daesh-inspired attacks on Paris, London, and San Bernardino, the United States and Europe have been wrestling with how best to wield their military power to defeat the threat. But faced with an enemy that inspires others to violence through well-produced propaganda, we should also consider the role of soft power in combating that hateful ideology by emphasizing Western values like free expression.

Pakistan is participating in the 742nd commemoration ceremonies of the death of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi being held in Konya from 7-17 December 2015. Twenty paintings made by Pakistan’s renowned artist, Mr. Shafique Farooqi, representing Sufism as seen and depicted through the intellect of Mevlana Rumi are on display in the Mevlana Cultural Centre of Konya until 17 December.
