Cultural Diplomacy

For all the money thrown at Clarkson and his co-hosts, the enormous international success of the show had made it extremely profitable for the public-service broadcaster. And more importantly, Top Gear's global audience also provided something intangible: Soft power.

The conference that will focus on certain questions - such as "How can we establish a culture of understanding and peace between different religions and cultures?" - aims to promote Turkey academically as well as addressing and correcting wrong perceptions about Turkey in the world.

Now more nations rely on their soft power to find diplomatic solutions. When it comes to this, films, especially commercial films, are some of the best choices around. 

After years spent exhorting the virtues of soft power, Western diplomats must be watching House of Cards with gloom.

The visit was part of a programme that works with students from both the US and Qatar and seeks to promote cross-cultural understanding and dialogue on public policy and diplomacy issues. Key themes of the 2015 conference included education, energy, health, and gender and equality.

The Indonesian government has awarded the Art and Cultural Scholarship to 70 participants from 40 countries to enhance people-to-people contact between Indonesia and the international community.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Culture, the Chinese government invested about 1.33 billion yuan ($214 million) by the end of 2014 to build overseas China Cultural Centers and is expected to add another 360 million yuan for developing and running the institutes in 2015. That’s up 181 percent from last year!

Despite its detractors, Eurovision remains the single largest televised annual cultural event in the world. Of course, the UK doesn't exactly need the soft power nor is it lacking in cultural power outside Eurovision; Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith and BBC News attest to that.
