Cultural Diplomacy

In one of the most remote communities in Australia, young filmmakers are sharing their stories and the world is watching. [...] Their videos capture snippets of life in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands, in central Australia. It's a closed Indigenous community, open to few visitors. There's also no mobile phone reception and few homes have access to the internet. Leo says the short clips have captured the attention of viewers in many far off places.

At the stringing table, most of the women wear hijabs. Natives of Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, they have been in the U.S. less than two years, arriving in Houston through Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston's refugee services program. They speak Arabic, Farsi, Pashto or Dari. Which is to say, they sometimes speak with each other only slightly better than they can talk with me.

Northeast students from different universities, colleges of the region gathered to witness the fusion of northeast diversified culture with the rich culture of Punjab. Besides, promoting the culture, traditional dresses and designs etc of the northeast region, the event also aimed at unifying students through cultural exchange.

Bollywood’s global popularity and the ‘Cool Japan’ initiative are highlighted in this week’s roundup. 

An app that connects global publics to performing arts.

The PPEM will allow the two countries to exchange information, identify common objectives and strategies and create opportunities for people in both countries to benefit from the sharing of social, cultural and economic capital across government, academia, business and civil society.

Much has been made of Japan’s recent turn away from pacifism and growing military muscle, but Tokyo is also extending its global reach in more subtle ways. Japan is especially serious about increasing its soft power, the ability to win over global partners with cultural and diplomatic affinity rather than coercion and sheer heft.

The many ways in which countries can cooperate in promoting cultural heritage and intercultural dialogue were the main topics discussed by the foreign ministers of Greece, Italy, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Peru, Bolivia and Mexico in the “Ancient Civilizations”  conference held in Athens on Monday. [...] Well-known Greek and foreign archaeologists, professors and museum directors from these ten countries spoke about the proposed actions and successful examples of culture management.
