Cultural Diplomacy

This week in Gwangju, we also see cultural diplomacy in action. "With support from the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, some 100 participants and their families and communities have come together with a team of dancers from Battery Dance, a New York-based contemporary dance company, to help build understanding and bridge divides." 

February 10, 2017

U.S. football players visit Israel while Budweiser highlights immigration during the Super Bowl 

The Fair will hold numerous activities in secondary venues in the Vedado district of the city such as the Dulce María Loynaz Center, the Casa del Alba Cultural and the Cuban Association of the United Nations. The Cuba Pavilion, the headquarters of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba and the University of Havana will also offer opportunities for cultural exchange and enrichment.

A group of Danish students numbering over 200 and their teachers from Hald Ege Boarding School in Denmark have arrived at the Malshegu community in the Sagnarigu District of the Northern Region on a week-long cultural and educational exchange programme to learn more about Ghanaians and their culture.

Peace Meal Kitchen is an exercise in gastrodiplomacy – fostering cultural exchange and increased understanding through food. As NPR wrote in 2014, while the concept is fairly new in terms of its place in cultural diplomacy as a whole, “the idea itself can be traced back to the ancient Romans, who often made peace with their enemies over a good meal.”

Welsh and Indian creative professionals will travel to each other's countries to work together and produce new works including books, music and dance. [...] It is a joint Wales Arts International and British Council scheme which aims to help build relationships between the two countries.

Sport can play a major role in boosting Scotland’s influence abroad, and help cement international relations, while influencing diplomacy and foreign policy. The potential is there to use sport to improve international relations and development, and what the Scottish Government needs to do is to elevate sport’s role on the global stage.

People in the country are not too familiar with these words, but to make it easy for our readers, the above-mentioned words are French. Promoting the French language in the country is an organisation called the Alliance Française de Suva. French is the official language of 44 countries. While in Fiji that might not be the case, the language and its influence are slowly starting to make their mark on the people.
