Cultural Diplomacy

The colorful, packed extravaganza in the expansive Ronald Reagan atrium featured an array of booths and information exhibitions that spotlighted different nations’ culture, cuisine, arts and crafts, trade, tourism and traditional dress. Thousands of visitors could wander and learn more about dozens of countries spanning the globe. 

In the Foreign Service, career officers are warned about the dangers of “localitis” or the development of so close an attachment to the place of assignment that one loses one’s nationalism or patriotism. [...] what can be called “collectivitis”: an inclination that later grew into something like a passion for collecting memorabilia of the history and culture of the countries we lived in or visited to take back home. 

Park Jae Yang, the director of the Korean Cultural Center, said that "the contest aims to promote cultural exchange between Egypt and South Korea through food, which has a growing role in bringing people together." He added: "Korean food, also known as hansik, has a very long tradition and history.It was well established by the Joson Dynasty in the 14th century."

Kuwait said yesterday it is imperative to confront terrorism by promoting Islamic cultural heritage in order to debunk stereotypes about the religion of Islam. [...] He expressed belief that response to extremism and terrorism should proceed from promoting Islamic cultural heritage as well as establishing the concepts of amity, tolerance and fraternity.

Mr Teruyuki Watanabe was seeking a new challenge after retiring from a transport company when he chanced upon an opportunity to be a cultural ambassador of sorts. The 62-year-old has been helping to promote Japanese culture and language abroad in his own way, as part of an outreach by Japan to Asean launched in 2013.

Photo of Smithsonian via Wikipedia

Aviva Rosenthal on how the Smithsonian engages with global audiences in new ways.

The Photo BRICS contest aims to facilitate international cultural dialogue between BRICS countries through photography and other visual aids. This year’s contest witnessed submission of more than 1,000 photos by youths from Brazil, India, Russia, China and South Africa. The 10 best photos (48 works in total), capturing nature and architecture of the BRICS countries and symbolizing the countries’ values won awards.

Hosted by the Korean Cultural Center in China with support from institutions including the Embassy of the ROK in China, Korea Cultural Performance Day was unveiled on Monday in Beijing. [...] Han Jae-heuk, head of the Korean Cultural Center in China, pointed out at the opening that the performance was a good opportunity for person-to-person cultural exchange between South Korea and China.
