Cultural Diplomacy

Chinese President Xi Jinping has embarked on a quest to make China’s voice heard internationally. “President Xi Jinping has vowed to promote China’s cultural soft power by disseminating modern Chinese values and showing the charm of Chinese culture to the world,” China’s Xinhua News Agency wrote in 2014. “The stories of China should be well told, voices of China well spread, and characteristics of China well explained,” the president said. 

Chinese culture meets classic ballet in this famous performance filled with traditional music and elegant moves. The National Ballet of China brought its magical "Raise the Red Lantern" show to Jakarta to promote cultural exchange.

Mexico City announced Thursday it would open a new tourism route called "The China Experience" to promote Chinese culture and cuisine. The route, offered by the city's leading tour bus operator Turibus, is built around two exhibitions currently on show at prestigious downtown museums, namely "China's National Art Museum Masterpieces" and "The Memory of Hands: The Splendor and Color of Guizhou's Heritage".

Headlines looked at how bilateral relationships can influence public diplomacy 

The Federal Government has expressed its readiness to partner with Japan and France to develop the movie industry through animated movies in line with its diversifying the economy. Alhaji Lai Mohammed, Minister of Information and Culture, said this on the sideline of the second edition of the Animated Film Festival organised by the Japanese and French Embassies in Abuja on Wednesday.

Dancers Honor California’s Mexican-Punjabi Heritage | KQED Arts

Half and Halves is an artistic collaboration devoted to telling the story of California's Punjabi-Mexicans.
