cultural exchange

December 27, 2011

China has broadened its engagement in Nepal, both at political and institutional levels. It has also initiated Track-II diplomacy with Nepal and invited Nepalis scholars to visit Chinese think tanks. Besides, China is promoting China Study Centres (CSCs) in Kathmandu.

Cultural diplomacy, or the more pejorative alternative – cultural imperialism, has become important player in global events. Cultural diplomacy may be seen as a tenet of international relations. It is one of the ‘soft’ aspects of state interactions. This is dissimilar to the ‘hard’ items of statutes, treaties, blocks, pacts, multilateral bodies and the military.

According to America's Voices in Israel, an organization that aims to bolster Israel’s image in the U.S., the goal of such trip is to allow guests, whether pastors or celebrities, to use their respective platforms – from pulpits to social media – to share their experiences in the land and to engender positive feelings and, ultimately, visits to Israel by their followers.

The Year of Chinese Culture will bring Chinese literature, arts, cultural heritages, films, acrobatics, puppet shows, among others, to different Turkish cities. It aims to introduce to the Turkish people China's long history, its splendid culture and its development achievements in rich and colorful forms.

Enticed by the economic possibilities in the region, Colombia is courting Asia the only way it knows how: Through the art of salsa dancing. By sending pairs of professional dancers shimmering across the Asia Pacific, the Latin American country hopes to forge closer social and cultural ties with a major slice of the region, from Japan to South Korea, China, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Last month, the mayor announced that Los Angeles is grooming and recruiting students for a new program launched by President Obama called the 100,000 Strong Initiative. Being in Beijing on Monday, the mayor boasted of his plans to increase the number of American students studying in China the next four years.

Black Eyed Peas frontman is doing his part to contribute to United States-China relations as he travels to Beijing this week for a concert designed to further the two countries' cultural diplomacy. The dialogue and concert is designed to raise money to support APSA in funding study abroad programs for underprivileged American students.

Developing strong and sustainable relations with India should not be considered by Arab states as an option, but as a must. In addition to trade agreements, the two parties should consider other public diplomacy venues to develop substantial social and cultural exchanges, and boost larger people-to-people relations.
