cultural exchange

As part of Cultural Diplomacy, the Pakistan Embassy in Ankara organized the Chughtai Art Awards competition in the Konya province. The thematic focus of the competition was “Mughal/Turkish Art & Architecture of Pakistan.” The event was organized in collaboration with the Konya branch of Turkey’s Ministry of National Education.

British Columbia Premier Christy Clark is talking up the province’s technology sector while on a business trip in Japan. According to the Government of British Columbia, they are working to form new partnerships with Japanese investors and technology companies.

To attract young people from the neighborhood of about 100,000 people, the museum’s founders have sought to form alliances with schools and have taken steps to create a cultural exchange with the nearby Brussels Boxing Academy.

British, American and Australians members of the Friendship Force International (FF) enjoyed a weeklong homestay in Korea as part of a program to promote intercultural ties. During their visit, members of the international cultural exchange program visited the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Gyeongbok Palace, the Korean Folk Village...

South Korean President Park Geun-hye said that through cultural exchanges Ethiopia and Korea could deepen their age-long friendships, and cooperation. The two nations have exhibited their cultures yesterday at Nelson Mandela Hall, Addis Ababa University.

The New Zealand embassy in Beijing screened “Inside Red China” this month before the start of the film fest. The movie provides a preview of Chinese life during the 1950s. China and New Zealand hope to fortify a mutual interest in cultural exchange. The country’s recent efforts come in the form of films.


The event was seen as an "intercultural exchange" and so emphasis was put on not only international musicians working with local musicians, but also our management team working closely with government departments, to the point that we operated from the same site office as Empresa de la Musica at the festival venue. 

The celebrations that took place last week on the sixty fifth anniversary of the establishment of Pakistan-Chinese relationship were again marked by lack of events that signified Chinese soft power.

