cultural exchange

The performance at the Beach/Schmidt Performing Arts Center is part of a long-standing cultural exchange program between Fort Hays State and its sister schools in Henan Province, which is China’s sister state with Kansas. The performance is one of only four in the troupe’s U.S. tour, including a performance at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., ahead of the FHSU performance.

The original Silk Road, established more than 2,000 years ago, was a critical network of trade routes that promoted economic, political, and cultural exchange among Asia, Africa, and Europe. China’s new “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road” will do the same, with newly built or upgraded infrastructure facilitating the flow of trade, investment, culture, and ideas — and thus supporting shared economic growth.

Huntertones, a Brooklyn-based musical band, is set to tour Zimbabwe next week as part of their 2016 international music tour [...] The cultural diplomacy programme is facilitated by an American non-profit organisation, American Music Abroad (AMA), through a grant from a US Department of State. AMA facilitates people-to-people cultural exchange programmes designed to communicate America's musical contributions and diverse culture to the global music scene

Crispin Parry - CEO of British Underground - says, 'A vibrant and workable cultural exchange between the US and UK is essential. The music industry is a significant generator of revenue so we are keen to see issues around US work visas for musicians resolved asap.'

A different form of engagement with China – like through sports or cultural exchange – might help the Philippines resolve its maritime spat with the Asian giant, Sen. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said yesterday.

Organised by the Department of Tourism, Government of Assam, in association with the North East Writers’ Forum, with an aim to promote tourism as well as the rich literary tradition of the State, the three-day literary extravaganza will facilitate a cultural exchange and interaction among the writers of Italy and those of the region. A group of writers from Italy, including Sergio Scapagnini who is a well-known Italian film producer, are here to attend the festival.

Think diplomatic spouse, and you may imagine it’s about hosting parties and accompanying diplomat hubbies on official outings. But this is not the case of Jamaican Anneke Clarke, the spouse of John Clarke, Jamaica’s Deputy High Commissioner to South Africa. 

Ninja are known across the world as exotic Japanese heroes widely depicted in anime and films. In 2015, nearly 20 million people from abroad visited Japan. Many of them wanted to see ninja, and some Japanese businesses are catering to their desire.
