cultural heritage

Work to restore a monastery on the divided island of Cyprus has brought Turkish Cypriots together with Greek Cypriots, and Muslims with Christians.

Germany will be the guest of honor at the 30th Janadriyah festival starting Feb. 3, at the Al-Janadriyah heritage village located on the outskirts of Riyadh. “It is a great honor for Germany to have been chosen as the guest country for the upcoming 30th edition of the festival. It is a major recognition of the excellent state of our bilateral relations to have been chosen as special Guest for the most outstanding cultural heritage festival in Saudi Arabia,” said a senior diplomat.

In a country that awards the Nobel Peace Prize each year and delights in its reputation for tolerance, the rebranding of Vikings from violent thugs to peaceable craftsmen is part of a broader resurgence of interest in a historical period previously embraced mostly by far-right nationalists.

A conference themed “Fight against the plundering of Syria’s cultural heritage” organised by the Norwegian Embassy to Bulgaria, was officially opened in the Bulgarian capital city Sofia on Wednesday. "Nowadays, more than ever, we need united and decisive measures to suspend what we call purposeful destruction of history, which we are currently witnessing,” the minister remarked.

Chinese linguist helps to save Tanzanian languages

This video from CCTV showcases the work of a Chinese linguist to safeguard a tribal Tanzanian language.

“We must be crazy to make kosher wine in Tuscany,” laughed Pellegrini, who, according to Jewish law, cannot touch the wine because she is not Jewish. Other non-kosher Tuscan wineries have occasionally produced a run of kosher wine, but since it began producing bottles eight years ago, Terra di Seta has been the only fully kosher winery in central Italy’s Chianti region


Can Michael Jackson resurrect an ancient language? - BBC Trending

How do you preserve an ancestral language while making it relevant for this generation? A teenager in Peru is using pop music to promote interest in Quechua.

 Thousands of members of Sudan's Nuba community turned out the Sudanese capital's twin city of Omdurman Saturday for dancing, singing and poetry in a festival showcasing the culture of their conflict-stricken people. "This celebration is a manifestation of our resilience; we want to maintain our culture," said Guma Kunda Komey, a Nuba academic and author, who had been taking part in the dancing.
