
The digital revolution has had a massive impact on the practice of foreign policy, revealing challenges and opportunities for modern diplomacy. But where is the line drawn between confidentiality and transparency?

Tech@State: Mobile Diplomacy - Mobile Empowering U.S. Diplomacy Breakout Panel

October 28, 2014

Watch this panel discussion hosted by Tech@State earlier this month focusing on Mobile Diplomacy. Participants included speakers from the U.S. Department of State, Peace Corps, Ushahidi and USAID.

Harun Yahya in this opinion piece advocates that Turkey should always be on the side of diplomacy, soft-power, and effectively administer an intellectual struggle to defeat the opponents that resort to violence and persecution. 

Over the next two days, Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to meet with an array of European leaders, including his Ukrainian counterpart, in the most intense period of diplomacy between the Kremlin and Western capitals in months. 

Subtle is hardly the word to describe Abbott's pledge on Monday to "shirt-front" Vladimir Putin. But is language of this type effective?

“The Mideast is stunningly complicated,” said Albright, secretary of state from 1997-2001, in an interview. But her candid confirmation of how hard it is to understand the upheaval wasn’t limited to the region. The diplomatic disquiet is global, which Albright said was a condition of a post-Soviet world.

Experts gathered at a conference on “Regional Security and Stability in Central Asia: Key Challenges and Ways Forward” at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on 3 October. The event launched a series of NATO-supported events marking the 20th anniversary of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme in the Central Asian partner states.  

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif held several diplomatic meetings with his foreign counterparts and UN officials in New York, where world leaders are gathering in to attend the 69th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly.
