The University of Denver says it wants to play a bigger role in world events and is kickstarting those efforts by giving former ambassador to Iraq Christopher R. Hill a new job. Hill, dean of DU’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies for the past seven years, on Tuesday was named chief adviser to the chancellor for global engagement and professor of the practice of diplomacy, a first-of-its-kind role for a major American university, school officials said.
According to Twiplomacy Study 2017, 92 percent of UN member states including government heads and foreign ministers are present on Twitter, and 88 percent are present on Facebook. Therefore, countries such as Pakistan that do not yet have a centralized social media policy to communicate with the foreign public, face the need to develop digital diplomacy platforms.

CPD Fellow Vivian Walker looks at what the Peloponnesian War can teach us about today's foreign policy.

The author and diplomat answers questions on the leaked embassy cables and the future of public diplomacy.