Moshe Arens, a renowned Israeli politician and aeronautical engineer, received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his impact on Israel through diplomacy and dedicated public diplomacy efforts on behalf of the country.
South Korea’s capital Seoul is bustling with a huge group of Chinese tourists, reaching almost 10,000 people, on their company-sponsored incentive trip as a reward for great performance. On Friday evening, about 4,000 Chinese visitors enjoyed Korea’s signature herbal chicken soup, party after sightseeing and shopping in and out of Seoul.
Advisor to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz Friday said in international relations, Pakistan needs to use the persuasive approach of ‘soft power’ to promote its image in the world community. [...] Aziz said instead of ‘hard power’ based on coercion, the soft power associated with culture and economy was more effective to attain the preferred results.
Country branding is the process of building (and managing) the way a country is perceived by the rest of the world. It is an important component to national development given its effect on global trade, investments, tourism and diplomacy. It also has a profound influence on our sense of identity and national pride.
London has been anointed the city with the highest “soft power,” beating out contenders like New York and Paris. Its ability to create high-skill jobs and attract an international diverse group of business talent has led Deloitte to name the British city as the “soft power capital of the world."
The original Silk Road, established more than 2,000 years ago, was a critical network of trade routes that promoted economic, political, and cultural exchange among Asia, Africa, and Europe. China’s new “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road” will do the same, with newly built or upgraded infrastructure facilitating the flow of trade, investment, culture, and ideas — and thus supporting shared economic growth.