
“Besides improving my skills in English language, the program helped built confidence in terms of my ability to interact with people”, says Aleena—a grade 9 student.  For another student, Sidra, the Access Program proved helpful in studies as she explored English grammar through the program which helped her do good in studies. 

Mammograms for women at risk for breast cancer, ultrasounds for expectant mothers and X-rays for injured and sick children. These diagnostic procedures are standard in U.S. hospitals and the basis for much of the medical care people receive, yet half the world's population has no access to such tests.

The UK’s former minister of universities and science, David Willetts, has said outbound student mobility is essential to the country’s soft power agenda. Speaking at the International Unit’s Go International event this week, Willetts said two-way mobility programmes facilitate negotiations with overseas partners.

The U.S. Embassy will hold workshops for female Japanese junior high and high school students on leadership and speaking up in bid to promote gender equality. The program, called “Go Girls!,” will involve four sessions in June, July, September and October at the American Center Japan in Tokyo’s Minato Ward. Students will hear lectures and take part in discussions on the themes of leadership and independence.

Teachers from all over the world go to the U.S. to gain skills, knowledge and experience to bring back to their homeland through the Visiting International Faculty (VIF) program. The VIF program also helps fill in the teacher shortage for English-language learners.

The success of Boise's refugee resettlement program has attracted international attention. German professionals, public officials and volunteers kicked off a two-day visit to Boise on Friday to learn about how the city welcomes and integrates refugees. 

Even as China increases its footprint in Cameroon through its language institutes and companies, locals are divided on how these facilities are impacting their lives. While youth welcome them as cultural bridges and windows of opportunity for jobs [...] What is most worrying is a growing feeling that these language schools may make local youth lose their moorings, confidence, belief and identity 

The UAE has prospered, and it wants to heal the world through acts of generosity. Humanitarian projects and aid will reach 130 million people through the Mohammed bin Rashid Global Initiatives which brings together of 28 organisations focusing on fighting poverty, spreading knowledge and culture, empowering the community, and driving innovation. The foundation will implement over 1,400 human development programmes in more than 116 countries around the world, said our report.
