
With an eye on Africa’s youthful population, economic growth and swelling middle-class, the United States has embarked on its first education trade mission to the continent, with 25 universities and colleges. Student recruitment and building partnerships with universities are the goals of the visits to South Africa, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.

While the world has made great strides toward gender equality over the last several decades, major disparities between men and women still exist.  And women, from all walks of life, still face disadvantages. In the United States, we are yet to see a female president, and among the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia, the tally remains at one.  

South Korea has vowed to provide Egypt with a financial package worth $3 billion for export credits and to develop infrastructure in the transport, energy and water resources sectors, the Egyptian presidency stated on Saturday. 

After spending his Friday morning shadowing a Lompoc High School student, Tyrick Takara said he quickly noticed some major differences between the Lompoc campus and the schools that he has attended back home in Okinawa Island, Japan.

Keen to strengthen relations with Africa, China will over the next three years train at least 200,000 African professionals in skills-based fields. Ambassador Lin Songtian [...] revealed on Tuesday that the offer was part of the Asian power's commitment to build the continent's capacity to achieve its development vision. 

The United States and Pakistan discussed cooperation in education, science and technology, which both sides said provides a lasting foundation for ties and serves as an engine for long-term economic growth.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs at CPD

March 1 marks the 55th anniversary of the Peace Corps. Watch Assistant Secretary of African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield describe how the Peace Corps changed her life. 

More than two-thirds of people in the UK believe that aid to developing countries should increase, with nearly as many agreeing that overseas aid is an effective way to tackle irregular migration from poorer nations, according to a Europe-wide survey.
