faith diplomacy

December 22, 2012

John Cha Poong started giving children in Zambia disposable cameras three years ago to record their daily lives. The results they sent back were unexpected: their extreme poverty should have been depressing but the pictures that came back were so happy. The next year, the Korean Catholic priest did the same thing in Mongolia and Burundi. Then it was Laos in 2011 and Sri Lanka this year. It was the same story, the pictures were not the sort charities might use to raise money.

Shasta County Board of Supervisors started its day in Redding (California, USA) with Hindu prayers on December four for the first time since its 1850 creation, containing verses from world’s oldest existing scripture.

Yangon: It was a day of religious diplomacy by India as External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid on Saturday inaugurated a three-day international conference on Buddhism followed by unveiling of a 15-foot statue of Gautam Buddha.

What’s your standard for loving your fellow man? Most people probably include family, friends, neighbors — all of the easy ones. But what about telemarketers or people who post politically belligerent statuses on Facebook? And what about people who aren’t merely annoying, but might actually be out to get you? Democrats, for example, or Ute fans.

October 1, 2012

India’s great nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi coined the term satyagraha as a philosophy of non-violent political struggle in 1906, while he was engaged in the early anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. His political philosophy, refined over subsequent years as he returned to India to lead its struggle against British imperialism, had far-reaching impacts. Gandhi’s philosophy helped to fuel independence struggles not only in South Africa, but in India, a host of other post-colonial countries, as well as the African-American civil rights movement in the United States.

The latest contribution to CPD's Faith Diplomacy Initiative is a CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy paper titled "Buddhist Diplomacy: History and Status Quo" by CPD contributing scholar Juyan Zhang. The paper examines how Buddhism has utilized public diplomacy in disseminating the religion throughout the centuries.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa had reportedly wanted a special exposition of Kapilawastu-relics at Temple Trees.

‘Relic diplomacy’ is a standard weapon in the arsenal of those in possession of movable holy-objects, from the Catholic Church to India and China. The Rajapaksa version is relic-politics: using sacred items venerated by masses of believers as a means to bridge popularity deficits.

At a time when international public opinion of Israel is at an all-time low, a Jerusalem-based association that unites Jews and Christians in their support for the Jewish state has expanded its operations to Asia. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews – of the country’s biggest donors to social and education projects – officially opened its South Korean office in Seoul on Thursday.
