faith diplomacy

In his review of Dennis R. Hoover and Douglas M. Johnston’s newly edited text Religion and Foreign Affairs, CPD Director Philip Seib notes the vital importance of an understanding of the role of faith in foreign affairs.

Particularly for practitioners of public diplomacy, understanding the role of religious faith in people’s lives is an essential part of crafting outreach efforts. In much of the world, secularism is viewed warily, seen as weakening the fabric of society, and so a respectful approach to religion is an essential element of diplomacy. Religion is not “mere sociology,” as the CIA reportedly referred to it prior to the 1979 Iranian revolution. Rather, it must be taken seriously as a foundation stone of international relations.

Our Working Group on Religion and Foreign Policy has focused on how we can strengthen our engagement with the large section of civil society comprised of faith-based organizations. Our posts in every region of the globe work with faith-based organizations and religious communities to bolster democracies, protect human rights, and respond to the humanitarian need of citizens.

The book 'Lift Up your Hearts' is being launched at the Aula Magna in St Paul Street, Valletta on April 19 at 1.45 p.m. The book talks of the ambassador's resignation when he saw that his inter-faith diplomacy in Malta was not supported by the State Department.

Because water is so central to many faiths, it offers both a starting point for action and a point of engagement between the faith-inspired and secular development communities. Water has a special potential: to build on common ground...

March 21, 2012
