
The reason we do it is it's part of who we are," Rudd said. "Part of America's great standing around the world since World War II is it's combination of hard power and soft power. ... U.S. aid given around the world helps their standing in the world. It's part of the American greatness that we've seen.

Welcome to the Ask the Ambassador, in which Eater meets with different diplomats to discuss their eating and drinking preferences and where they can get a taste of home while they serve their mission in New York City.

Food diplomacy is growing in popularity. China has been levering its cuisine and chefs as a means of building goodwill in Latin America in what has been dubbed “chopstick diplomacy”, the Asian face of gastrodiplomacy. The most popular foods, like sushi and spaghetti have exploded in popularity...

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the UAE Jamil Ahmed Khan has emphasised the need for pursuing economic diplomacy to benefit from the international opportunities available to Pakistan in the field of economy and trade.

The potency of mangoes — and their — mythical reputation in Pakistan and many other parts of South Asia, was brought home to me last week when, as it does most years, the Pakistani embassy in Brussels held a ‘mango extravaganza’ in a prestigious local hotel whose chef has finessed the art of turning mangoes into pieces of culinary magic.

Sushi’s rise to globalism has attracted a lot of attention in recent years...Both documentaries offer a penetrating introduction to the workings of the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo, the world’s largest, as well as the growing “local” character of sushi in the West.

The resulting documentary — “Corner Plot” — was shown at festivals in the area. It was recently among the films chosen by the State Department to be shown at embassies around the world as part of a public diplomacy initiative. Dahlman said the Koiners may make their film debut in Tajikistan.

North Korean government-run restaurants have existed for years in China, in regions adjacent to the DPRK's northern border, but in the past decade the business has truly gone global. As North Korea's economic situation becomes increasingly dire, the number of branches has increased.
