government pd
The Mayor of the French city of Valence Nicolas Daragon has announced his decision to join the France-Karabakh Friendship Circle. Nicolas Daragon noted in his statement that Valence would contribute to the public diplomacy implemented by the France-Karabakh Friendship Circle.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi may have made Forbes’ latest list of the world’s most powerful people, but he is part of a dwindling group. Money rather than political clout is deemed to be the currency of power today.
Adopting an "open" foreign policy, which relied on soft power tools such as media, diplomacy, education, culture, sports, tourism, economy and humanitarian aid, Doha's strategy was based on good relations with neighbours, the formation of strategic alliances with major and medium powers and the building of a brand.
Australia's prime minister has long accused public broadcaster ABC of being “unpatriotic,” now he has slashed its budget by US$219 million.
Prime Minister Khalid Bahah discussed on Tuesday with the U.S. ambassador to Yemen Matthew Tueller the priorities of cooperation relations between the two countries.
The image of the Russian leader has not improved after American magazine Forbes declared him the most powerful man on Earth for the second year in a row, with US President Barack Obama as a runner-up.
The Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Richard Stengel, will travel to New Delhi, India, November 17-18, where he will meet with government officials, civil society leaders, educators and students, business leaders and entrepreneurs, and representatives of the media.
Portugal's secretary of state for culture, Jorge Barreto Xavier, initiated an official visit to China on Friday to enhance cultural relations between both countries.