government pd

October 18, 2011

The Turkish government also recognises the value of soft power, the idea that institutions and ideals are appealing to the outside world and should be emulated. The relative success of the political system, with Islamists in power in a genuinely popular and functioning democratic system, is a case in point.

China's leaders have agreed guidelines aimed at preserving "cultural security" and expanding Chinese soft power...Analysts say the meeting was largely aimed at strengthening the party's tight control over the media and the Internet. But...Xinhua said the meeting should be seen as a strong signal for China to do better in the cultural field, where it has been lagging.

U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Bronx Museum of the Arts launched smARTpowerSM., a new initiative that sends 15 American artists and collaborative artist teams to 15 countries worldwide to engage in people-to-people diplomacy through the visual arts.

Experience America is a public diplomacy program aimed at educating other nations about America and strengthening our bonds...with countries around the globe. The goal ... is to share the best of our nation with senior foreign officials and foster new, mutually beneficial relationships with the American communities they visit.

As a burgeoning, boisterous democracy and a growing economic power with a tradition of nonalignment, India has tremendous assets that can be put to work in its public diplomacy; but it should re-orient its strategy to reach out to the world in a way that leverages its strengths and national values rather than simply inviting other nations to sample its rich culture and diversity.

President Obama’s conception of soft power has curiously lacked the very quality that has made it most efficacious in the past—the values dimension. His governance has virtually ignored the values dimension of soft power, which goes beyond the tradecraft of diplomacy and multilateral consultation to aggressively assert the ideals of freedom in practical initiatives.

India's different approach...stems to a large degree from the fact that it is politically, economically and even culturally more akin to Latin America than communist China is. Increasing frictions with China are a big reason for the region's increasing interest in dealing with India. Washington, of course, is also happy ...the U.S. considers New Delhi less a threat to its interests in the hemisphere than is Beijing.

The Internet has become an ambassador for American soft power abroad through brands like Apple and Google, but policymakers need to appreciate that it is just a medium and not a panacea for competitiveness in the long term. The challenge for the United States is to think anew about products and their distinctiveness.
