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We are led to think that diplomacy is a function of this or that Secretary of State, or the exchanges between Presidents -- and of course, that's true. But the foundation of public diplomacy happens through the tight knots tied through high quality, high impact people to people encounters.

To this end so-called “soft power” – the ability to win the battle of ideas not just the war – will become increasingly crucial. Unfortunately the Government is making cuts to institutions such as the BBC World Service and the British Council, which are key assets in our soft power capability.

FRAME’s mission is to promote cultural diplomacy within the context of museum exchanges of collections, exhibitions, professional staff, education and the web. Its projects have tremendous variety in scope and in subject matter.

While intelligence analysts squinted at their reporting ... struggling to understand who the Libyan rebels were, the exiled diplomats recognized some surprising old contacts. A number of the opposition leaders, it turned out, had participated in the U.S. embassy's public diplomacy programs.

The resulting documentary — “Corner Plot” — was shown at festivals in the area. It was recently among the films chosen by the State Department to be shown at embassies around the world as part of a public diplomacy initiative. Dahlman said the Koiners may make their film debut in Tajikistan.

"There will be people in the United States asking why we should help China to improve its public diplomacy, and there will be people in China asking why China should engage...with United States. But...the more exchange...we have, the better chance we have of managing this relationship of the century

When Michelle Kwan was 16 and had just won the first of what would be five world figure skating titles...Current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong named Kwan an ambassador to a new U.S.-China women's leadership exchange, Women-LEAD...

Washington, D.C. and Rome make what could be described as a historic “power couple.” Throughout world history, some of the most significant events have happened in these two cities. Moreover, both capitols are beacons of culture and diplomacy for their respective nations.
