government pd

The Voice of Russia (VOR) Radio announces two U.S. stations: 1430 AM New York and 1390 AM Washington, D.C. marking the first time VOR will produce programming and broadcast directly from the United States rather than broadcasting news from the Moscow-based radio program.

the lawmakers called on the Foreign Ministry to take appropriate actions with regard to the regional developments as follows... Adopting transparent stances in defense of popular movements, opposing the foreign meddling, and employing the public diplomacy to reveal the Western powers’ double-standard approach toward the developments.

June 8, 2011

In some ways, Chinese public diplomacy surrounding its ‘peaceful and harmonious’ rise is similar to this fairy tale [Emperor's New Clothes]... South China Sea being the most explicit example. Vietnam and the Philippines have both accused China within the past few weeks of aggressive behaviour that violates their interests...

June 8, 2011

Writing in the current issue of the Beijing-based Public Diplomacy Quarterly, Gen. Xiong said the phrase in question is “taoguangyanghui,” widely translated in the West as “hide our capabilities; bide our time.” [It] has taken on monumental significance because it has become China’s national policy of global diplomacy and international strategy since Deng Xiaoping announced it in the late 1980s.

Sports diplomacy builds on Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s vision of “smart power diplomacy.” It embraces the use of a full range of diplomatic tools, including sports, to bring individuals together to foster greater understanding.

CPD University Fellow Nicholas Cull has most recently published a chapter in the new book Trials of Engagement: The Future of U.S. Public Diplomacy with a chapter on "Karen Hughes and the Brezhnev Syndrome."

Right now many people in the west are quite anxious about the rise of China. Many people in China are very skeptical about the US 's intention towards rising China...we cannot discount the huge importance the US and China's relationship implies to the world. We cannot afford letting confrontation prevail and cooperation wither between our nations.

The transatlantic economy accounts for more than half of the world’s trade and investment. The U.S.-German relationship is at the center of this economy. Since 1989, U.S. direct investment in Germany has more than quadrupled and German investment in the United States has grown seven-fold.
