government pd

Libya’s warring sides opened a new and critical front in the deepening conflict there. Muammar Qaddafi and rebels trying to oust him sent envoys to European capitals to sway the debate over potential international military involvement in Libya, a day ahead of a European Union summit that could well determine the future of the crisis.

Moving ahead of its allies, France on Thursday became the first country to recognize Libya’s rebel leadership in the eastern city of Benghazi and said it would soon exchange ambassadors with the insurgents.

Julia Gillard's speech to the US congress today celebrates the six-decade history of Australia's geopolitical alliance with the US, built on the two countries' deep stock of shared values and interests and manifested by their fighting side by side in every significant international conflict, from World War II to Afghanistan.

March 10, 2011

According to a U.S. State Department official, the concept of “smart power” ― the intelligent integration and networking of diplomacy, defense, development, and other tools of so-called “hard” and “soft” power ― is at the heart of the Obama administration’s foreign-policy vision. Currently, however, Obama’s smart-power strategy is facing a stiff challenge from events in the Middle East.

During the past week, Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) an organized effort by anti Israel NGOs and NGO activists held events in cities and on college campuses, presenting disinformation intended to vilify and delegitimize the State of Israel.

Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India organized a seminar in Varanasi from March 3 to March 6, 2011 to exchange views on Indo-Nepal bilateral issues. The participants included parliamentarians, constitutional experts, political analysts, high-level bureaucrats...

‘Economic powerhouse’ isn’t a term usually associated with Mongolia...Nor is ‘strategic pivot’...And yet numerous countries in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond are starting to recognize that this geographic titan (it’s larger than France, Spain, and Japan combined) has real potential to become a key strategic partner.

Julia Gillard's first visit to Washington as Prime Minister has been a public relations triumph. But the jury is still out on whether Ms Gillard's informal and relaxed meeting with Barack Obama has driven genuine progress in the Australia-US relationship or provided little more than an extended photo opportunity.
